Disney World Adventures: A Day of Fun, Cupcakes, and Wallet Woes

No budget yesterday for a three little kids in Disney World. Now let me take you through the day, cause it’s gonna get interesting. Eating cupcakes for breakfast. My worries. I just wanna be in a store and buy everything. And that’s what it seems like we’re doing. Cause it’s only 8:30 and they’ve been here now twice. Middle child is getting these two. It’s my wallet. First stop, Animal Kingdom. So cute. I want to go take photos here. We’re looking at all the ducks in the animal kingdom. Found a turtle. This sort of thing we never do, which is fun. Going in the stores, not so fun. Everything. Wilderness Explorers or going into another store. Damage is done. Oh, cute. And go to Wilderness Explorers to get their badge. Oh, they wanted a sweet treat, so they got a lemonade. First fry. Dinosaur. Hello there. Store shocker. For $8 each. And we got five of them. I want to go to the boneyard. This is one of their favorite things to do. And I picked tofu noodles for lunch in Pandora. Mom, I wanted the drums, but they don’t work today. Very shocked we didn’t do the goats and or safari ride. We made it to Epcot and the kids are really tired, so I don’t know how long they’re gonna last. But we’re here for one thing. Jelly cats! We made it! There’s a coffee mug that’s soaking wet. This one’s my favorite. The baguette and Then a tiny blue jay Wanna jump in puddles. So that’s what they’re doing. Oh, they’re wanting to play in the Secret World, crying hula hoops. My husband’s a man child. My oldest daughter wanted a baguette. Now we have two baguettes, coloring, and we’re going on a ride to it. It’s 7:00, we’re on the Skylander, headed back to the hotel, and we are officially broke and tired. So hit that follow button to see more of our family adventures.