Mystery Unfolds: The Ominous Prophecy of the Voodoo Priest

Welcome to part 2. Y’all better have your snacks. I just got some crackers for this one. Anyway, so wife finds out that the day that she supposed to get. The day that she’s supposed to give birth. I can’t even speak. Is going to be a full bloody moon, just like that lady seller said. And so at this point now, it’s giving her chills. She’s due in about a week or two. So now she goes to her mom and she tells her mom, and her mom is like, I told you we should do something about this. So her mom is talking to her friend about it, and her friend is like, I know somebody that can help. And that somebody is a voodoo priest. The mom talks to wife about it, wife agrees. Wife speaks to husband about it, husband agrees. And they all go together. Now, the voodoo priest knew that they were coming, he just didn’t know why they were coming. So just like a regular customer to him, right? So when they get there, they walk in, and the moment they walk in, the voodoo priest looks at her and says, get out. They’re standing there confused, like, what do you mean, get out? He looks at her and he goes, I don’t want any kind of trouble. You need to leave. And this, like, spook them, cause he’s. They’re not here for trouble. Immediately, she starts begging him. She’s like, I need Your help. He’s like, I can’t help you, and you need to leave now. Like, you need to leave my place. And at this point, she starts crying. She’s like, please. This seller lady told me that my. My kids, my twins that I’m carrying or of Dambala, and I don’t know what to do. You’re the only person that I know that can help me. And the voodoo priest look straight at her and was like, it’s too late to help you. I’m gonna be honest with you right now. It’s way too late to help you. You waited way too long. Those babies are about to be born, and you need to leave my place. He was dead serious about it. And so they have no choice. They leave. As they’re driving home, mom is crying. Uh, uh. Wife is crying. Husband is clearly upset. And as they’re heading home, mom. Like her mom. The wife’s mom gets a phone call from the friend that referred the voodoo priest. She answers the phone, and the friend is on the phone crying. The mom is like, what’s going on? Like, what’s wrong? And the friend says that the voodoo priest just called her and told her to get ready for a funeral because wife is not gonna make birth. She’s not gonna survive it. The twins will, but she’s not.