In Appreciation of CT: A Mentor and Friend on the Challenge

Okay, now I was just about to go to sleep. Do you see what I look like? Crazy. Anyways, I’m gonna answer this because you guys are desperately wanting to know about CT. I will say I didn’t have too, too many encounters with him, unfortunately. But the do the few encounters that I did have, we’re nothing but really great. Um, I feel like he kind of came off more of like a brother or even more like a dad in no sense. Um, he came up to me to give me advice, um, and it was honestly more so kind of like in passing, super quick, super nice. Um, him and Orasso, you actually got to get to know each other a little bit more. He’s actually super nice and super chill. But I will say that a lot of people from era one, like, kind of kept to themselves, um, didn’t do too much, weren’t like, really out in, like, the party scene, really just were chilling, honestly. And I feel like that’s kind of how he came off to me. He was super nice though. I will say he was really nice. Like, enough. I will say obviously he’s nice because if he came up to me to give me advice for my gameplay, like, that means the world to me because a lot of the vets won’t necessarily do that. He came up to me and was just giving me advice because people were saying That I wasn’t being, like, social enough. So he just came up to me and he’s like, hey, I think you should go talk to these people. I think you should, you know, be out and about a little bit more. Um, but that was pretty much it. He was really, really nice. Um, but yeah, maybe I can get Orasio’s opinion on him, cause I think Orasio really liked him. And he was just. Yeah, like I said, I think he was just really nice. Like, I think that was like, the biggest thing. Like, just really nice. Went out of his way to give me advice when most other people wouldn’t.