Crystal Clad: The Glitz, Glamour, and Elegance of Sabatini Crystals

Glitz, glamour, elegance, style, luxury. Swarovski crystals. All the trappings of an elegant woman. You can have it all with Sabatini crystals. Hi. We’re not porn stars anymore. I’m Brecky and I forget. And we’re not porn stars anymore, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love style. No. Did somebody mention style? Not yet. Not yet. Okay. Diamonds are too expensive and heavy. No, thanks, Jose. Crystals are light and $50 plus. They’re diamonds. And they’re perfect for Christmas. Bracelet, necklace, business. Wearing crystals. They look great on your hand and on your face. Or in your house. On the. On the tall things with different levels. I like shelves. Oh, yeah, shelves. Yeah, shelves. Did somebody mention shelves? No, don’t hang it in here. No, you take that. Okay. Sebastian crystals. One time I was with eight guys at once, and I thought that was a Pinnacle. But now it’s crystals. My brain doesn’t function. It got banged off its axis. But I can still notice the sparkle of sabasi crystals. One time I got banged to death for five minutes. Then I got banged back to life. Thanks, crystals. I lost part of my foot. It broke off in a butt, and I’ve regretted. I’ve regretted it ever since. But I don’t regret wearing pretzels. One time I thought I was asleep, but I was just drug dead. Then I noticed a Sebastian croissant on my wrist. I thought, okay, I miss smoking. Remember? I miss smoking. Did Someone say smoking? Oh, yeah, yeah. Here we go now. Hi, my name is Sammy Stamina. I did porn, too, until they told me I had to start wearing condoms. I said, no way. I got integrity and crystals. Some girls is nice. I give her a. A shush. Sharky crystal. Non-human. They cost less than diamonds, but they diamonds. And it’s a one 1 situation. If I could, I. I’d have my teeth made of these crystals, but instead, they plastic. And my soup ain’t complaining. And to my middle school teacher, the one who said, I’ll never be a professional actor, all I have to say is, I’m still trying to find out where you live so I can kill you. no threats. We have to send this to television so we can get free crystals from Sebastian. Oh, yeah, that’s right. The plan. Wink. Because there’s never one thing never goes out of style. Anal. Okay, okay. Grand finale. Grand finale. Sharky crystals. They’re crystals to sharks. Sassy pretzels. Ew! We’re covered in this stuff. Luxury, that is. And the Ew, it wasn’t gross. It was like.