Hollywood Bingo: A Star-Studded Evening with Bern Bernstein and Friends

And now it’s time to play Hollywood Bingo. So let’s bring out your host, Bern Bernstein. Thank you, Don Paolo. Thank you and good evening. I’m Gurn Blanston and welcome to Hollywood Bingo, where you meet the big stars. Go for the big prize and the big money. You know how the game is played? Six across, up and down. The single numbers are the free page. Okay, now let’s meet the stars. Hello, star. Okay, right away. End of the B. Why, it’s that Latino hot tamale charro. Oh, holy jambo, I can’t tell you. I’m so the hoochie ho. Embarrassing me, man. Like, you’re much too fine, man. Thank you. Sammy. Sammy! We’re opening with the news of being in Vegas to say here’s a crispy cookie nut who sees things Sammy’s way. Sandy Duncan. Hi everybody. I’ll be snoring in Stratford, Connecticut, where I’ll be playing Kate and taming of the shrew. Next, the man who’s a blue star and offer I collect a gourmet chef. All round great guy. G50 Benson prize. You know, I adore doing the show. I just wanna say I have a cookbook coming out from Viking Press. It’s called through his stomach. Hey, our next gal is a great old gal, the lovely or talented Rose Marie. Hahaha! What are you doing after the show? Well, we’ll be appearing on all reruns of the Dick Van Dyke Show. Hey, I love the kid! Our next star, Mr. Showbiz himself. B8 Georgie Jessel, it says it’s a real pleasure to be here again. And believe me, at my age, it’s a pleasure to be anywhere. Haha. Georgie just got an album on the MCA label. Jessel does it to Joseph. Hey, I’m really proud to be able to call our next door my close personal friend, Mr. Television himself, Hal Lindon. You know, I love Barney Miller, but my real roots are in the legitimate theater and I love great, great Hal. Now listen, Hal’s hoping to do a guest shot on the McLean Stevenson show next year. Good luck on that one. How? Hey, here’s the star who beat the successful transition from movie to television. The actor. The actor. The star of Bread, Robert Blake. Five years ago, I would have done this show on a dare. I’m doing it now because I got a big hit. You can bank on that. These. Down those. Ladies and gentlemen, you know, if god. If god had angels as pretty as this next guest, he wouldn’t have died. Ladies and gentlemen, Farrah Fawcett Majors. You know, the fair and her hair will be appearing in separate cities. And now a fancy look alike, Stephanie Hillers, O 67. Okay, now I don’t know who he is. Okay, that’s the end of the B. Let’s welcome drink. Mexico drink is sort of in the national touring company of love on a pin. Okay, now the sensational Soulja. Boardwalk Soulja is currently appearing on Hollywood Bingo. Okay, that brings us up to the Charlie Weaver Memorial Free Square. And Charlie will be appearing nowhere. You know, Charlie would have loved that joke. That she represents a real nun and a real Captain Boot. It’s Sister Mary Margaret. Mary the Nutty Nun, isn’t she? Funny how I owe 72 sidekick, but side will understand. Rick Taylor in the LA production of. Of dial in for murder and under the bee. Never saw him before. Don’t know who he is. Never seen him before. Not about Groucho. About him. And we’re not sure about this person either, ladies and gentlemen, but we do believe this next person right along here is Woody Allen’s sister. All right, now, under the V, it’s Garth Lunch roll, road manager for Mickey Dolens. Now, I, 28, Fern’s husband. Fern just finished making King Kong, in which he played a frightened person. Okay, say hi to Harold. Get blood. Butcher. Harold will be appearing behind the meat counters, weekdays till 6. Now, G49, that’s her old cousin. He’s a Libra. And now, finally, O73, Joni from next door. Joni eats food. And those are our stars tonight on Hollywood Bingo. We’re all out of time. Don’t have time to play the game, but tune in next week for 25 different trials playing 25 different things. Goodbye, stars.