Barnaby Xavier Saint Higgins III Reports: The Knights of the Realm Take on a Dragon in London

Drop. Fancy a jar, do you? The most popular show in the history of Britain for this special report. Good evening. I’m Barnaby Xavier Saint Higgins the third, filling in for Fat Danny. Well, after much debate in the lower house, it’s official. A dragon is attacking London. Prime Minister David Cameron has alerted the army, the navy, as well as taking the unprecedented step of activating the knights of the realm. The Knights of the realm being, of course, British celebrities who’ve been knighted by the Queen. Said knights are now formulating a plan at the home of Sir Elton John. Knights of the realm, thank you for coming. As I say your name, make yourself known. Sir Richard Branson. I just came from space. Sir Bono. Whatever. Um, so Michael came. Thank you, Elton. It is lovely to be here. You’re welcome in your lovely. Are you done? I am not moving on. Sir Ian Mckellen, you shall not pass. Awesome. And of course, so mix a lot. We should start, because sting is on his way. But we all know it takes him a long way to come. I mean, forever to come. Thank you, Ringo. You’re welcome. Thank you for having me, even though I’m not a knight. And remember, peace and love conquers all. Not a bloody dragon. Ringo, come on. We need a plan to stop these dragons. Any suggestions? Whenever on and a row with a mate. I’ll take him down to the Pub, have a few drinks, a few laughs. And that’s what we should do with this dragon. I think you’ll find we’ll lose an enemy, but gain a friend. I’m not done. A friend? I don’t think that will work. So, Michael, I say we fire up our jetpacks, fly up there and suck that bastard in the nose. Who’s with me? Once more into the breach, everyone. ہا ہا well, he’s dead. No worries, gents. I took the precaution of cloning myself earlier today. Hello, everyone. Hello. Focus. Focus. Anyone have a worthwhile idea? I want to send a message to everyone in this room. When artists put their souls together, they can accomplish anything. Except the Spider Man musical. Tonight, The Lion King, still in theaters. I like the puppets. Listen, I have fought a dragon. I did not ask for the challenge, but I. We must rise and come together. Hey, Ian, did you steal that costume? No, the costume lady gave it to me. I have an idea, mates. I was just reading in these ancient scrolls that a dragon’s scales are weakest at his heart. If we can get a sword long enough. What are you doing? You’re not a bloody knight! Shut up, Ringo. Wait, wait, wait. Shh, shh, shh. I haven’t heard the dragon for a while. Let’s check the news. Right there. Let me tell you. Hey, hey, hey. The fire breathing dragon that terrorized our city has been killed. The deadly Beast was vanquished by pop star sting, who, and I’m putting this as delicately as I can, jizzed all over it until it died. Well, we now return to fancy a jar. Do you? Where? Ha ha ha ha! Oh, dear, dear. Drey has just broken a large jar. Ugh! Where do they get their ideas from