The Inside Scoop: How Parade Drivers Navigate Limited Vision

how do they see out of those things Parade Driver edition so thank you thank you Lucas for asking this because the parade drivers are a very important part of the whole operation and they have very limited vision as well I worked at Disney theme parks for 10 years I worked at universal for longer than that so I know a thing or two about the entertainment department and typically the drivers are going to see out of some kind of mesh a lot of times you can actually see the driver so with this float for a instance it looks like the whole bottom part of it is that meshy material that is translucent so they’re able to see some floats it’s easier to pick these areas out with this float it’s clearly somewhere in the skull I’m not sure if they’re down in the mouth or if they’re seeing out of the eyes but I would say this one’s got some pretty good vision although there’s spotters you can see the spotter right there they are on radio if they are you know drifting too far left or too far right they will let them know so they can correct their direction I wanted to show the other parks parades to this driver most likely as seeing out of this window right here I believe you can actually see this driver for this float right in this box right here again you can see the spotters on each side of the float uh most of the floats will have anywhere between two and four if not more spotters now this one a little smaller box right here but yeah that’s that’s where that driver is seeing out of then there’s some I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know possibly the mouth that doesn’t seem like enough room but I don’t know I don’t know this one this is a good float I’m also having a hard time with this float I’m gonna assume it’s maybe here but I don’t see the mesh it looks it it could just be I’m not picking up a good angle on it now there are different types of floats there are smaller floats that uh this this is considered a float now universal it wasn’t the first year but I believe they get driver pay now this was a float that I controlled uh with basically my crotch so it was a uh what do they call it a unicycle seat essentially and you straddled it you pushed it forward your float went forward backwards backwards and you could twist it to the sides and make the float turn this one’s got me this one and the Rapunzel float I I can’t figure it out