Wild Pursuit: A Journey of Love Beyond the Apps

Happy Tuesday, and welcome to episode 4 of trying to find my husband in the wild, aka not on a dating app. Currently on my way to a workout class with my friend Kelly at Training Mate. I’ve never been here before, but it’s like a hit workout group fitness. I figured guys would go there more than, like, yoga or spin classes, which is what I normally go to. I’m literally so scared cause I’ve never done this before, but stay tuned. Say hi! Hi. Okay, we just did the class. It was so fun. Good vibes. Okay, guys, I’m literally, like, shaking. That was so good, but I know that my legs are gonna be so sore tomorrow, so shout out training mate and shout out Ethan. He was such a fun instructor. There was definitely, like, the girls and the gays in that class, which we love. Like, honestly so great. And I’m glad I tried a new workout, so not a loss. Also, Training Mate has like a $7 for seven days of classes for your first time, which is such a good deal. So me and my friend Kelly both did that, and we’re gonna come back together later this week. And I love TikTok because one of my TikTok friends, Courtney’s trends in the city, was in our class, and I was like, I know you. And she was like, are you Mackenzie? So we love it. Small world. Also, stay tuned. I want To try pit fit. It actually looks really scary cause it’s in like a garage, but Spencer from the Bachelorette, who actually was my spin instructor in like 2019, he coaches there and I think it’s a lot of, like, fit guys, so might try that. Stay tuned and come back tomorrow for episode five.