Fans’ Dislike Leads to No Redemption House in Cutthroat Elimination on Reality TV Show

So this is a great question. It says, why no Redemption House? Especially when they cut so many stars the first elimination night. So I will say, after we got eliminated, um, we actually got brought over to, like, the main EP, which is the executive producer. I believe he’s an executive producer. We got brought over to him, and he let us know, like, by the way, guys, there is no Redemption House, and we apologize. And when we asked him why not, he said, because you guys, the fans, he said they’ve done polls, and they’ve asked the fans if they like the Redemption House or not, and apparently, it’s one of you guys’least favorite twists in the game. You guys don’t like. Fans do not like when there’s a redemption house. So that’s why they decided not even to spend the money on it. Like, they. They said that they really thought about it, that this season would have been one of the best seasons to do it. But because you guys don’t normally like redemption houses, they decided to cut that out of the way, which sucked, because, honestly, like, as I lost and as CJ was like, um. Um, stay right here, I was like, um, there’s a redemption house. Not again. So I was super excited. I thought I was gonna have another chance to come back in, but I did not. And it’s all your guys’s fault. But, yeah, that’s the answer.