Influencer Exclusion: My Experience with Nike’s Entertainment Division

We put your name in our system and it was flagged and like flagged by Nike for not doing sit up. So what the is that all about? He goes, no, you’re a person of influence. And I go, excuse me? He goes, you’re an entertainer. We call that a person of influence. You’re not allowed to shop in the store. I go, that’s . And he goes, you can try to go through the entertainment division. And I go, what’s that? And he goes, that’s free stuff, right? Alright, so I get that number and I call and this guy answers and he goes, Nike Entertainment. And I go, hey, Time Cigarette. And he goes, okay. And then I go like, I’m a person of influence.

And he goes, okay. And I go, I’m calling about my free .