Choosing the Right Overnight Delivery Service: UPS, Federal Express, or The United States Postal Service – Let the Ladies Decide!

Which overnight delivery service is the right choice for your business? UPS, Federal Express or the United States Postal Service? Which one do you choose? Let’s let the ladies decide. Hey, ladies, are you ready to get your mail delivered? Let’s bring up a lucky gal right now and find out which company she’ll choose to service her. Come on up here. Hey, Mama. What’s your name and what company do you work for? My name is Laura Rose, and I’m a marketing executive for Morton Viacall. Cheryl, you’re gonna get it for this. It’s going to be a hard choice, Laura, because it looks like all these delivery services have a package just for you. First up, Mr. UPS. UPS is certainly a fine choice, Laura. Established in 19:07, the company has an excellent service record and handles the next day delivery of over 13 million packages, making it the largest distribution business in the world. Millions of satisfied customers worldwide wouldn’t kick this company out of bed for eating crackers. Nice moves, Mr. UPS. But look out, Laura, here comes Mister Federal Express. Federal Express has been delivering packages since 1973. This company’s motto is 100% customer satisfaction. As most companies expand, their quality decreases. Federal Express’s service levels, however, have only improved. At Federal Express, bigger is better. I know your heart might not be able to handle this, Laura, but here comes Mister United States Postal Service. Don’t underestimate the staying power of the granddaddy of all overnight delivery. Services? Laura, this company’s been handling America’s needs since 1775. Through rain and sleet and snow, the U S. Postal system guarantees overnight delivery at the lowest prices. This is one company whose professional services won’t empty your wallet. Whoo! Alright, these companies are hot. Laura, I don’t envy you, but I’m afraid you’re gonna have to ask you to pick your overnight delivery service. Well, I gotta tell you, I’m a sucker for cost efficiency and the hands of experience. I’m going with the US Postal Service. Ho, ho ho, there’s an upset. Looks like the death of the US mail was greatly exaggerated. Laura, I hope you get the service you require. Don’t move, ladies. Next up, one of you is gonna have to pick your long distance phone service. So get your dollar bills ready.