A Profound Encounter: Confessions to Chad

No, that’s alright. I do think that is what DECA intended. For instance, people who speak exist. You and I are speaking. Therefore, you and I exist. Congratulations, you just used your first Cartesian logic. Okay. You know, I do hope you continue to drop by, Chad. I really quite enjoy our visits. Okay. No, thanks. Help! No! I’m so sorry. Uh, that was unbelievably inappropriate behavior. Chatter. I apologize. I just, I misread the moment. Okay? I just took your frequent visits here to mean something more. Oh, my bad. No, it’s not your fault at all. Truth be told, I’ve not been myself of late. This weekend, I. I’m getting married to a beautiful young lady. Oh, congrats. Yet I feel nothing, Chad. Nothing. Okay. Oh, but that doesn’t matter because it’s all part of daddy’s master plan. You know, marry the rich girl from Newport, become a professor, and achieve tenure by 40. God forbid the great Leonard Buckley son should feel the love of another man under the glow. I was drawn to you, Chad, because truth be told, I envy you. You’re a man who lives his life free from doubt and worry. I wanna be you, Chad. Okay. Oh my word, this is so pathetic. Look at me. I’m a 28 year old professor’s assistant pouring my heart out to a sophomore student. Am I boring you? Kinda. Oh, you can of course, leave it anytime you wish. And spare yourself my rambling. So I have to admit, having an ear to bend makes a welcome respite from. Chad. Chad? Chad, what up? Uh, would you mind getting back here for a moment? There’s something else I wanted to say to you. Oh, okay. Chad, you passed it. Oh, my bad. Chad, I hope we can forget about my brief lack of self control today, okay? I truly hope that my actions haven’t tainted our friendship. Haha. Taint. And lastly, Chuck, I want to thank you because today you taught me. For a brief moment, I wasn’t a spectator to my own life. I was living it. Safety. You’re right, Chad. I should laugh more. Anyway, I appreciate it if you kept what happened between us today a secret. Okay? Hey, Chad, what the hell? What’s taking so long? Oh, I’m sorry. Mr. Buckley tried to kiss me. Okay. Are you hungry? Uh huh. But you’re so right, Chad. I shouldn’t keep my secrets in the dark. Thank you, Chad. Haha, thank you. Okay.