Confidence: The True Beauty Within

But it’s not people who are beautiful and people who aren’t. It’s people who know that they’re beautiful and people who don’t. I just don’t believe that you used to be awkward. No. No, I don’t. Well, luckily, I have proof. I can’t believe it. And this was the only photo of me in the yearbook that year. That’s a little pathetic. It’s super pathetic. Hey, but that’s what happens without confidence. And luckily, we already know that you can do it. No, we don’t. Everything I thought I had was because of that pill. But the pills didn’t do anything. Wait, but I thought it did. Okay, but now you know that they didn’t. And that everything that you accomplished was all because of you. So get up on that stage and show the school what you’re made of. Even if I wanted to, it’s probably too late. The curtains are in, like, 20 minutes. Well, then I guess we shouldn’t waste any more time. Come on, let’s go. Wait, no, I. I can’t go on looking like this. I just. I just look gross. I don’t even have any makeup on. Well, then I guess you’ll just have to go without it and be confident. Now what do we talk about? The current waits for no one. Where is Monica? Monica? Anybody? Um, I could take over for her if you’d like. I know the lead like the back of my hand. I’m here, I’m here. I’m sorry. I’m late, but I’m here and I’m ready. You can’t seriously be considering going on stage looking like that. Watch me get into places. Everyone, it’s show time! Why aren’t you in your costume? Go! It’s show time! Yes! You are awesome. So are you. They’re probably clapping cause it’s finally over and they don’t have to look at your pepperoni face anymore. Oh, you are absolutely captivating. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. That was awesome. You were my favorite part. Oh, my gosh, thank you so much. Thank you. Hmm. Guess I can’t get enough of my pepperoni face. Just because a few randos liked your performance doesn’t change the fact that you’re ugly and you can’t get a date to the homecoming dance. Let’s go, Lincoln! Actually, I wanted to see if you’d be my date for homecoming. 이게 아프다 ㅎㅎ