Navigating Brand Development: Catering to Your Target Audience’s Financial Capacity

brand is about expectations when we’re doing brand development that’s where we are setting up the idea of whom we serve what we serve them why they care their pain and purpose points all of that right but the economy is a real thing and there are people that are feeling this crunch you know they’re feeling you know like they just have just enough right and so when it comes to building your brand and really looking at how you operate and your target audiences the first thing is keep in mind that your target audience should have the ability to pay you now there’s a couple of ways you can make that happen uh one is something that we did with a client which was encouraged them to uh implement payment uh plans because prior to that either you paid in full or you didn’t and I will tell you that sometimes it’s a lot easier for somebody to make four payments of 40 bucks than to do 160 just off rip and so offering payment options is a great way for you to kind of meet them in the same place right where they are um additionally think about whom you’re serving and if at some point uh they may have more financial resources right if they don’t and you say you know what I really feel called to serve this particular demographic then look around in your community and partner up with organizations that are already serving those demographics this way you can you know satisfy the mission right but also make sure that you’re still building a profitable sustainable business because you can’t serve anybody from a position of lack you just can’t hope this helps bye