Title: Behind the Scenes: The Unexpected Weeklong Hotel Stay Before Entering the Reality Show House

Okay, for those of you who don’t know, we were actually in a hotel for about a week before we ever in. Not before elimination, but before we even went into the house. Um, so we were in the hotel because normally when we fly into a different country, this time it was Vietnam, they normally put us in a hotel. So we’re normally there for maybe two days max, and usually get there, rest up. Next day is usually cast photos. Um, and usually, like, a bit of, like, press, PR stuff that we do prior. Um, but this time around, we actually had. Because there’s 40 of us, 40 people on the cast, they actually. We had to take 40 cast photos, 40 press, 40 socials, you know what I mean? It was a lot. So it kind of took up a couple days. On top of that, we actually weren’t able to go into the house until, like, a week later because Jordan was apparently doing a race or something like that. So we were essentially, I think, waiting for him. To be honest. Um, I wasn’t mad at it because, for those of you who know, me and Radhika were separated for about, four months because he was filming his other show called Accept Loan, and we were away from each other. So we had only had a couple weeks before going to film. 40 of having, like, alone time. So for me, I’m like, Oh, we got a week in this hotel, nobody come knocking on this door, cause we is gonna be enjoying our time. So I wasn’t mad about that at all. But that’s why we were there for about a week. That’s a lot of people took that opportunity of like. Yeah, a lot of people took that opportunity to like, get to know each other. They were all drinking, they were all staying up super late. Um, I took it as time, like I said, to enjoy my man. I’m not sorry about any of that, but yeah, that’s kind of why, uh, we were there for a week beforehand. I’m pretty sure it was all due to 40 of us being there and them needing to get everything done prior to the house. And on top of that, because Jordan was doing his race and needed to come in later on. So, yeah, that’s why.