United in Strength: Remembering the Heroes of 9/11 – A Tribute to Rudolph Giuliani and the Resilience of New York City

The mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giuliani. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening. Since September 11th, many people have called New York a city of heroes. Well, these are the heroes, the brave men and women of the New York Fire Department, the New York Police Department, the Port Authority Police Department, Fire Commissioner Tom Von Essen and Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. On September 11th, more lives were lost than on any other single day in America’s history, more than Pearl Harbor and more than D day. The men, women and children who were in the World Trade Center came from across the country and 80 different nations. They were living their lives and pursuing their dreams. And they, too, are remembered as heroes. On our city’s darkest day, our heroes met the worst of humanity with the best of humanity. Their acts of heroism saved more than 25,000 lives. But even as we grieve for our loved ones, it’s up to us to face the future with renewed determination. Our hearts are broken, but they are beating. And they are beating stronger than ever. New Yorkers are unified. We will not yield to terrorism. We will not let our decisions be made out of fear. We choose to live our lives in freedom. I’m just a poor boy, though my story seldom told. I squandered my resistance for a pocket full of mumbles. Such are promises, eyes and just. Still a man hears what he wants to hear. And disregards the rest. When I left my home in my. In the company of strangers, in the quiet of the railway station, running scared and laying low, seeking out the poor quarters. Oh, looking for the places only they would know. Just to come on from the horse on the southern valley. When I was so alone. So I took some comfort there. Where the New York City winters aren’t bleeding me in the clearing stands. And a fighter buys trade. And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him till he cried out in his anger and a shame. While I’m leaving, I’m leaving. But the fighter still remains. On behalf of everyone here, I. I just want to thank you all for being here tonight. And especially you, Mr. Mayor. Thank you, Warren. Thank you very much. Having our city’s institutions up and running sends a message that New York City is open for business. Saturday Night Live is one of our great New York City institutions. And that’s why it’s important for you to do your show tonight. Can we be funny? Why start now? Live from New York, it’s Saturday night.