The Ageless Politicians: Debunking Conspiracies and the Power of Voting

just just watch this and as you watch this I want you to silently inside of your own mind repeat as if it’s a mantra just keep saying to yourself and reminding yourself this person votes as you’re saying you’re concerned about Joe Biden’s age and abilities Trump is only three and a half years younger do you have any concerns about Trump’s age Jong ETH canary he’s still alive Jong ETH canary he’s over hundred years so our blessing they have they have um better milk so this technology is to generate everything so our president is 20 20 year because this is our military they have the technician development so President Joke ethic energy is a still life is over hundred years is still life and our vice president is joke ethic in junior okay uh to recap she believes that Joe Biden was too old to be president but that Donald Trump wasn’t for reasons I’ll get to but first that JFK junior is still alive and that he is Donald Trump’s vice president neither of those things are true not alive and JD fans is the VP choice but more troubling she believes that John F Kennedy SR is still alive a man who we all saw perish in a very public way he’s still alive and the reason that he and Donald Trump that their age doesn’t matter because and this is just a wild shot in the dark by me she must have seen Michael Bays the island and thought this shit was a documentary that wealthy people have clones made of themselves that live on this place and then when they need new organs uh they just harvest them from their clones who have young organs she said inside he 20 years old 20 inside that woman votes and you have to assume not just for the president that she maybe even votes on a state level she votes you better vote you better get out and vote