Trimming is an important job on deer. We typically remove, you know, obviously, bone and fat and connective tissue. One of the things about deer fat is it’s a little bit waxy in the sense where it’ll leave, like, a film on the roof of your mouth. So we take the fat out. A lot of times we like to add in maybe a pork fat or something like that. The other thing is, is the glands are contained in the fat. So by removing all those fat, heavy fat pieces, we get, um, we’re guaranteed the glands are removed. Then connective tissues, really. These are just kind of the thick pieces you can see. I don’t really have much over here in way of connective tissue. If it’s, um, if it’s translucent, if you can see through it, then it’s certainly something you can grind. And then we just try to chunk everything up in, um, you know, pieces that are about tennis ball or, um, smaller golf balls, probably better. Um, so that way, whatever grinder you have, um, it’s gonna fit through there nicely.