It is absolutely insane that Donald Trump goes around to audiences and tells them that Democrats want after birth abortion, which is just straightforwardly and fantasize, which in addition to being clearly illegal, is not a thing that people wanna do. Uh, he said it at his appearance at the NABG conference earlier in the summer. And that has the problem. I think they’re radical on abortion because they’re allowing abortion in the ninth month, they’re allowing the death, but I think it’s not true. They’re allowing the death of a baby after the baby is born. And his campaign stooge tody Corwin Lewandowski said it on a recent television hit. And many Democrats believe that you can have an abortion not only up until the last week, but also in some cases after the baby’s been born. Now, again, this is deranged. No, no one supports this. This isn’t a thing. Late term abortions are a thing, but they exist because of medical emergencies. They are life saving procedures. But the notion that people, that women are having children and then deciding on a whim to murder them afterwards is, uh, not, not the case. That’s just straightforwardly a lie. And not to get into too much media criticism, but it’s important to say that it is a lie, that it is a deranged lie, that it shows Donald Trump’s contempt for the truth and even his contempt for his audience, who he clearly believes would, would believe that This is a thing that happens. As far as the politics of all this is concerned, I think this kind of language alienates people. But I also think it think it demonstrates Trump’s difficulty in navigating his anti abortion base and supporters in the Republican Party and the broad middle of American politics, which was supportive of the status quo under Rove Wade. Trump is between a rock and a hard place on abortion, between Scilla and caribdis. He cannot commit to his anti abortion supporters without alienating everyone else. And if he tries to pivot to the middle, he alienates those anti abortion supporters. As we’ve seen recently, he’s just stuck and it’s a real weight on his campaign.