Beware of Lil Ugly: The Deceptive Spirit Amongst Us

Hey, listen to me. There’s a spirit coming amongst man. And I’ve named this spirit Lil Ugly. And one thing you have to be aware of with Lil Ugly is he will be falsely transparent. So, in essence, he’ll tell you that he’s flawed. He’ll tell you that he’s a fornicator. He’ll tell you that he’s a man of god. He’ll tell you that he’s imperfect. And the reason why he does that is to disarm you. So that when he hurts you, when he misleads you, when he separates you from god through the act of fornication, you can’t say that he didn’t tell you who he was when you met him. Beware of this spirit, a little ugly, coming in the body of Christ to separate women from god and to destroy the body from the inside. Be watchful.