Whispers of Healing: Navigating Grief and Self-Care

Okay. It’s been a very heavy and exhausting time. Very emotionally drained. I’m not going to cry today. I was honestly just so sore today. I need to get ready because it’s just. It’s what I do. Casey has gone back to school today. Not been the best summer break. He’s doing really well. Definitely feels time for some routine. I think I need some colour. Pink, blue or green. Let’s do some green. It was my friend’s favourite colour. Everyone grieves in very different ways and there’s definitely no right or wrong way to do this. I’ve been finding it very therapeutic listening to her voice notes. I’ve exported our entire WhatsApp chat so that I never lose it. I love looking at photos of her. I love looking at photos of taco. Whereas for Casey, he doesn’t want to see any photos of Taco. He finds it too hard. Everyone’s just so different and how they grieve, and I really, really respect that. There is no linear or right way to do it and no judgment. I think this is so, so key. Thing that Anne and I have been doing, which I did a lot when my mum passed and we do do in general, is going for walks. And when my mum passed, I actually wanted to do that on my own, but at the moment, I really, really don’t want to be on my own. Brown mascara is the one. I got this little eraser. Pen that helps with the edges of wings. So good for refining right at the edge. From a brand called Half Magic. Your comments and support has been absolutely incredible, and I value it so much. A huge, huge thank you, Pat. The freckles in done.