Exploring Indigenous Wisdom: Recommended Reads for Indigenous Literacy Day

Auntie, it is Indigenous Literacy Day, and we have a question about what books would you recommend? Thing I love about Indigenous Literacy Day is it’s recognizing all forms of literacy, not just western ways of doing things or what we consider literacy. It’s recognizing indigenous wisdom and putting that wisdom first. So in that light, Auntie, what kind of books? Well, again, I’d, I’d go to First Nations authors, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors, um, where they’re writing on a range of things, things like Stolen Generation, history, uh, culture, anything to do with culture, spirituality and languages. All, all of that is, uh, it’s about having literacy in the culture. Beautiful. And I, I know a great place I would start is with Auntie’s books, um, journey into Dreamtime, Aboriginal spirituality and ask Auntie. Yes. The children’s book series. Have a fabulous Indigenous Literacy Day. And thank you for the question. You nearly go, gone, go. Well.