AI-Styled Instagram Fit Pics: Recreating a Classy Street Fashion Summer Outfit with Neutral Colors

I let AI style me for Instagram fit pics, and here’s what happened. First thing I did was use to input what kind of style I wanted and to generate an outfit. I asked for a classy, street fashion summer outfit with neutral colors, and I really like this one, so let’s see if I can recreate it. Okay, so when I usually go shopping, I take a really long time because I shop until I find something I like. But this time, it was really fast and easy. In and out of the mall in less than an hour because I knew exactly what I wanted. And surprisingly, after a short get ready with me, I came to a conclusion that this is an outfit I would actually wear. And for the final comparison, here’s my outfit versus the outfit that AI made. I personally think I did a pretty decent job, but if you want to try for yourself, you can check out Let me know how I did.