Reviving Patriotic Spirit: A Call to Action for Independence Day

So I’m back in my chosen country for Independence Day, and I have returned to discover too many of my friends despondent and depressed and defeated. So many of them looked at the debate and the Supreme Court decisions and they just threw up their hands and they’re saying like, well, that’s it. It’s over. Forget it. And I have to say, I love you, but stop it. Stop listening to these pundits who have a financial reason to keep you terrified and your eyes on their screens. Stop listening to the naysayers on these networks whose entire financial lives are dependent on one of six billionaire owners who believe they will flourish as oligarchs in King Trump’s America. Do not let them.

But her emails Biden into a loss when the Democrats are already so set up to win. The Republicans and the power brokers of the conservative billionaire class are counting on our fear and our sadness and our doubt about winning to be some kind of self fulfilling prophecy. They know they can’t beat us at the ballot box or with candidates or ideas, but they don’t have to do any of that if we beat ourselves before the election has even happened. It is a tactic and it is working on you. So stop it.

On this Independence Day, I am here to tell you, buck up, stay the course. Who cares who the candidate is? Who cares what the news is saying? Electing Democrats is how we fix this. It’s how we fix all of this. They want us to fight, to give up, to stay home. Don’t go out, talk to people, register voters, and then, for God’s sake, work to get out the freaking vote. They want you to feel helpless and scared, but I want you to embrace your patriotic spirit and refuse to bow to a king and his court and their . I can promise you, if we fight back, we will win. Stay free, America. It’s all on us now.