Unveiling the Hidden Gem: The Power of Free Events in Business Growth

Before you go through like funnels and ads and all that stuff, like what’s the point of do? What’s the outcome? Is it to sell.

People? So like here’s the thing, right? Outcome for event. So this is gonna be a pretty like blunt, honest answer to this. I actually don’t wanna tell people about it because I don’t want people to know that’s the hidden gem in the industry. So like, all I’m gonna say is this, is that if you’re a business owner and you’re not running free events, like you’re losing a ton of money. And that’s all I’m gonna say about it, bro.

Last year we ran events. We did over 6 million on free events. I can get 100 people in the room on free events. And last weekend we did $234,000 on a free event with 80 people. Dude.

I, let’s walk through this cut. Walk me through the concept. I wanna know how you get people in there. I wanna know what you think. We’re ready today.