Secrets to Chemical-Free Cleaning for a Fresh and Organized Home

Oh, not only is it cheaper to go chemical free. Yeah, the more like I’ve not really gone chemical free. Everything I’m doing everything like step by step, but I am going to slowly. That’s all that matters. 1% is better than no percent.

But let’s just go back to your purpose right now. Not only is it cheap and it will last you literally about a year for like 12 quid, I find that I get my cleaning done like all the time now. So basically I have three of the glass bougie little bottles. I have one in each bathroom and I have one downstairs. And then whenever I need to clean, it’s right there for me to use. It’s accessible.

I don’t have this big keg. Okay, I don’t have this big kegger that I’m carrying around the ice full of all different products for all different things. And then that would make me procrastinate.

I don’t know if it’s made HT, but I do that a lot when I feel I’ve got too many tasks. I just don’t wanna do it. Yeah, and I find that like in the morning, for example, especially if you’ve got children, like make your life as easy as possible for yourself. My kids have been spitting the toothpaste in the morning, night. It’s absolutely everywhere. And in my brain, before I used to use my own old purpose spray, I think, oh god, I’ll clean that when I get on like after the school run or after work or whatever it might be. Well, no, I don’t because the spray is just there. It’s just one spray. Nobody wants all the cleaning stuff on shop, but it’s just one spray in a visual about all. I’m just spray it there and then, and it’s done. I get out the bath, I spray it there and then I go into windows room. And so she seems she spill anything aspirate there. And then like your life is so much easier. Can’t tell you how much easier it is. And you don’t have this big massive cleaning buildup at the end of the week because you’ve kind of kept on top of it. If I get it the shower, I spray it there and then cuz you can use it and everything and anything. Honestly, your glass will be gleaming metal wiggleming you side to be gleaming. It’s only granted you can’t use answers. Always remember that.

But another thing as well. So my dog doesn’t really wear my carpet. There’s like a small little strip in the kitchen, which really winds me up. And she does have a way on there every now and again. I don’t know why she does it, but she just does. And I’ve bought every single product of the market. Genuinely, I have right to like clean it for sweat and secondly, to lift that smell out. And if you’ve got dogs, you’ll know what I mean. Like I’ve been stuff my dog if I as a bed and I’ve washed in, it comes out and it don’t still smell right. I just spin it. I’m dead funny with stuff like that. And when I spray my, our purpose spray, which is literally just white vinegar and then just something massed over it. Don’t smell too vinegar. It’s just too vinegar. It lifts the smell out of the actual carpet. After everything that I’ve put down on it, that actually lifts the smell like the carpet. So it’s just like little things like that, if you’ve got a baby in them.

I have a lot of accident like honest, I got it genuinely works on absolutely everything. I cleaned my cafe cleaner today. I’ve got a pet cafe cleaner and I can’t be clean weekly my eyes because just pet everyone, whatever, and just keep lots of things. And then when I was empty in the waterfall, I don’t know, but someone that claims quite often, I was like, Lord. And then I cleaned my cabinet cleaner with the old purpose straight. Smelt amazing. It smelt so good. So honestly, I know banging out now I have got this miracle spray. It’s nothing miracle. It’s what we used to use before we started buying from the shops. That’s it. Egg ancestors were literally using white vinegar to cook in, to pickle and to clean in like, and it would cost them like per minimum and then all of a sudden all the things are start seller, then we start jumping on this, click there and buy in. I’m really back to basics. They work so perfectly. And I feel like only at 30, only at 33 million have I only just found out this.

Also, let me just say this, Roger. I watch podcasts. I watch a million podcasts on like chemicals and stuff like that. Cuz you pee. You can’t just boast unless you let you learn. Like never feel learning. I’m one of those people. I always want to learn. And this guy said that there actually is no reason to have plugins in your rows or earth fresheners or lightning candles for smells if you clean your rose propellant, if you clean your rose propellate, your rose should smell clean.

Mayo genuinely actually smells clean. No, but before it didn’t. It actually, I don’t feel like it did. Like I actually felt like I needed to like spray it with 0 staff of breeze. I actually genuinely felt like I needed that throat to smell clean. No one are walking me out. It doesn’t smell of anything like orange yard. There’s nothing specific, but it smells clean.