Navigating the New Political Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Corbyn Era

You know, back to 2015 when, you know, that was the last time I voted green. None of the issues that gave rise to the Corbin moment, the movement, the surge and support for the lab, that, none of those issues have gone away. And for people who have in the Labor Party, spent the last eight years defining themselves as people who, you know, whose principle is depend on attacking the left, beating back the left was treating, who, you know, has responded to any criticism of a stance on healthcare by just saying, oh, you’re a left wing keyboard warrior. That’s so terrible. These people are gonna have to govern now and they’re gonna have to govern in the context of all of the problems that they gave rise to this movement that they so existentially hate, none of them haven’t gone away. So, yes, that’s the climate crisis, obviously, but it’s also the cost of living. It’s poverty, it’s inequality.

It’s actually a very found challenge to our democracy that we’re seeing, not just because what looks like it’s gonna be a relatively unproportional parliament, but also because things like go to turnout are gonna be very, is gonna be very low also because you know people’s policy preferences are going to be reflected in what this government does. And to respond to the last conversation that you were just having, the left has a very significant role there. It’s easy to just kind of look back over the last eight years of politics and think, oh, the left role has only ever been to build institutions and try and kind of create a force within the Labor Party, take over the state, etcetera. But actually, we have a very significant role here that, you know, it might be somewhat easy to fi, to forget, which is we need to make trouble for these people. We need to force these issues, these that gave rise to Gorbanism in the first place, into the front and center of politics. And that means organizing in our communities, in our workplaces, and yeah, having a very strong presence on the street as well. So I’m looking forward to making trouble for Starmer. I think it’s gonna be fun. Hello.