Summer Tutoring Essentials: Fun and Affordable Teaching Materials Review

Hey y’all, what’s up? What’s popping? So I am tutoring this summer and I wanted to show you what I have got off a Timu because baby, this stuff was so cheap and I just thought it was so cute. So I wanted to share. It was like $67. But yes, so I’m here to share what I got. So the first thing I got was these matching eggs. And you match the shape and you match the color. So those are super duplicated.

This thing right here, baby, I don’t know. This is I, this I was cute. So I got it. It was super cheap. This is the matching letters. I love this one cuz it has really good pictures and the letters and the kids just love to match those. This is a fast food game. You just match the sandwich according to the card that’s on there. This right here, maybe that’s same. So that would not be coming out until I go in my classroom August. That is messy. This is the human body, and it gets to match the organs on there on the body. So I thought that was super cute as well. This is just a little clock that I got. I thought that would be nice to go into kindergarten. Let me know. Chuck it.