Title: Guide to Enhancing Facial Proportions and Angles in Semi-Realistic Drawings

Let me improve this drawing submitted by Rado Taku, who wants to bring it to the next level. I like your style of semi realism and you see how you drew the eye with more of a straight line in the corner. I would just make it a bit more curved here and here. Because if you draw these lines more straight, the eye looks like a flat stick curve. Well, if you add the curves, you make your eye look more 3D. That’s the secret to drawing three quarter eye. And these eyes are a standard three quarter. But in this angle, there’s space between the edge of the face and the nose, and the same with the mouth. And in your angle, the nose is poking out and the lips are the edge of the face. So this angle is a lot closer to this one, which is between 3/4 and a profile view. And we’re seeing a lot less of this eye and cheek because they’re turning away from us. So I would grab the further ride the cheek, weak in the forehead and move them a bit closer to the face, hiding them behind the nose. And in this angle, we won’t really be seeing the further wing because it’s a lot closer to a profile angle. Finally, the mouth is slightly not matching the rest of the angles of the face. So I would just slightly rotate it so they all follow the same angles. And this is before and after. Did we improve this drawing?