Border Town Costs: The Impact of Immigration on San Diego County

How are you? My name is Bill Wells. I’m the mayor of the city of alcohol. And.

Here in San Diego County, we’re seeing a lot of stuff happening here at the border. And you guys being a border town, well, how’s it affecting the city here?

Since October, we’ve had over 250,000 drop offs in San Diego. These street releases. The County of San Diego already spent 6 million dollars on a migrant welcome center, which I’m not sure what, why we need that, but they’ve just allocated another $19 million for that. But you know, there are also cost that you don’t see. You know, everybody that comes across, whether they’re a citizen or not, is entitled to full healthcare. That even includes having sex change operations. That’s an expense for the whole family. People that come over with kids are put up in hotels. Those hotels cost eight to 10 thousand dollars per month, and that’s paid for by the city. So these are expensive things. Now, there’s a Bill of California that says then if you’re a illegal alien, you can get free college tuition, even a 20% down on a house. These are things that American citizens are not getting.