Maximizing eBay Sales with Calculated Shipping Strategies and Shipping Discount Benefits

I do calculated shipping on the majority of my eBay items, and it is because the price one up again, I don’t always know how much it’s gonna cost to ship to somebody because it really depends on where you live. So if I’m shipping down the street, it’s going to be really cheap to ship even a box that’s three or four pounds. I’m in Florida. If you’re in Washington state, it’s going to be really expensive. So I do calculated shipping.

I have a scale on my desk. I have a tape measure on my desk, and I figure out how I’m gonna ship it when I list it. So I don’t think that, okay, then I think this weighs 2 pounds. I think the box can weigh a pound. I find the box and I actually put it in a box and weigh it so I don’t get lose money on shipping.

I pass the shipping discount on to my buyers. I wasn’t for a while, my eBay sales were not bad, but they were a little soft. And then I talked to somebody at eBay and they’re like, you really should be passing it on.

Research has shown that buyers will pay more for items if the shipping’s reasonable. So I do calculated shipping. I pass my discount on to my buyers and I’m still making money. And I know you pay fees on the entire amount. So if somebody buys something for $10 plus $10 shipping, you’re paying a fee on $20. This is because in the old day, eBay only charged a fee on the item and everyone was trying to beat the system and selling things for 1 cent with 100 dollar shipping. So they have to charge on the whole amount because people, our people, I pass a discount on and my sales are better than ever.

Buyers do not like pay over paying for shipping. I do not do free shipping because I am selling pre owned items and I’ll go into that in another video. When you would do free shipping.