Overcoming Fear and Taking the Leap: How I Started Investing in Real Estate with Experienced Partners

Took me four years to buy my first rental property, part of the reason was I was saving, but the other part was because I was scared every time I would go on Zillow to go look for a house while I was living in New York City, I’d see in a apartment for 700 grand and think to myself, how the hell am I gonna afford this? And two, even if I do, what if I put all my money in and I make a mistake because I have no clue what I’m doing. There’s gotta be an easier way to get started.

And unfortunately, at the time, there wasn’t really one for me. I didn’t know any other real estate investors. I was 26. So like no one my age was doing this. In all honestly, it felt like I needed to be rich to do this. I had wished that there was a way for me to get started sooner with people who were experienced and have them make the decisions. This way, I could lean on their experience. And so I’m really excited to let you know that we have this opportunity for you to do it. You can invest as little as $5,000 in flips with me. I’ve been investing for four and a half years in four different states with 18 units. And Matt and Kevin who’ve been investing for 28 years, have over 700 units. The number keeps growing. I might mess it up. They might get mad at me for saying it this way. And have done over 500 flips. They have a team of 17 people full time working on these flips, managing their properties. And so I partnered with them so you could invest with us, get some behind the scenes footage and up dates of what’s going on with your investment. So this way, you can see the process through. And once you’ve seen the process through and maybe made some money along the way, you can feel more confident doing it yourself because you have a real life example of other experienced investors doing this, not just someone from social media like I am to you right now. If that’s you comment the word invest.