Rediscovering Financial Freedom: The Joy of Living Debt-Free

Debt steals tomorrow’s joy, and we’ve started looking at debt as it’s a normal part of life, and we’ve started looking at whether or not we can make the payments rather than the entire amount that we’re going to end up paying before it’s over, we’ve started looking at persons that are debt free as abnormal. Why are they not in debt? Do they not spend their money? Do they not do anything fun? When actually those of us who are not in debt have found joy in our everyday lives that don’t cost us money. We have found frugal habits and frugal hobbies and projects to do that are low cost. Only 26% of Americans as of 2022 even had $100,000 in their 401 k or in their savings. Yet everyone will tell you that’s not enough to retire. Well, it all depends on how you live. So start looking at being debt free as normal and stop looking at those monthly amounts as whether or not you can pay them and think about if you had to write a check today for that final total, would it still be a good deal?