Supporting Al Santilo: Pizza Fest Fundraiser and T-Shirt Sale for Elizabeth, New Jersey

I mentioned this when I put the pizza best tickets on sale. Allison Tello, icon of the Pizza Game, one of the best pizza reviews ever. Elizabeth, New Jersey, burned down in January since I was gone. So I said, Al, whatever you need, I’m gonna be there. I’m donating all my profits from Pizza Fest, but we need more. So here you go. These. Sure. This is the real Guinea . Now give it to me. That pizza review, every dime will go to Al. So if you don’t buy a pizza ticket, you can buy this T-shirt, all going to him. We also said, but go fund me if you just want to straight donations, don’t want the T-shirt or ticket, whatever the case may be.

Alden have fire insurance. They wouldn’t do it because of his oven, which he needs the oven, if you have seen the oven. So we’re gonna get this thing back up. Al Santilo, one of the best people I’ve met in the pizza game and just in general, we’re gonna be there. Community supports community. Pizza loves pizza. Support Al Santello and let’s get this place back. It’s time. Buy, donate, whatever. Pizza fest, love, yell.