Reflections on Toxic Behavior: Setting Boundaries and Recognizing Manipulation

So I don’t hold predges. However, I do remember how people treated me and my like, it’s one thing to be like a shitty human being, right? But it’s another thing to like be a covert shitty human being and then actually feel the need to act upon someone separating themselves from you. Like you don’t get to hurt someone and then play the victim when they separate themselves. Like I was just talking to a friend of mine the other day about this. And my biggest thing, like I hate when someone tries to like reincoordinate themselves into your life via somebody else. Like it’s like, now you’re gonna make me hate them too and I’m gonna have to block them as well. Because not only are you like refusing to acknowledge my boundary of not wanting to affiliate with you anymore? But it’s like you had multiple, you had a good amount of time to like be a good person. So that what you could be in my life right now, but you weren’t. So rather than do the work to just be a better person, it’s like you still want to have you cake and eat it too by trying to incorporate. Like I’ve noticed this especially, and it’s scary, but with women, especially now, they’re so much internalized massaging that they’re like, okay, well, like if I can’t be exactly who I wanna be in your life, I’m going to ruin your life or like implement things. So you kind of have to need me. That’s what financial abuse is. That’s what emotional abuse is. And I don’t think a lot of you realize it is what you’re doing. And it’s creepy. Like, it’s like, allow people to have their own feelings. Allow people to have their own actions. And like if you end up being a villain in someone’s story, that’s it. You’re just the villain in someone’s story versus you try to ruin someone’s life. Like implement yourself into it is so creepy. It’s so creepy. And it’s like, let’s say that there was a chance of me forgiving you. It’s gone now because I’m like, this is who you are. Like you want just full control over somebody else’s life. How about you just fix your own, you know? Eh? Oh, it’s so gross. Get a life.