Overcoming Adversity: The Reality of Making it Past High School Basketball

Here’s the reality on why most of you just won’t make it pass high school basketball. Now, I don’t sit here saying this like it’s a bad thing. It’s just a reality. And it’s something that I’ve noticed as I enter my 10th year pronoun. And most of you won’t make it because firstly, success doesn’t come right away. And the moment that a young Hooper hits adversity, a lot of you just quit because it’s not as easy as you thought.

Now, the ones that do make it pass high school basketball, obviously, like if you have skill. These are the players that fight through adversity, that don’t give up if things get a little bit tough for them. The reality is not every game you play is gonna be perfect, not every day you’re gonna wanna work out, but you continue to show up for yourself. It’s hard, but nothing worth having is gonna be easy for you. So when adversity hits you as a Hooper, especially a younger one, take the lessons from it. Don’t give up just because it got a little bit tough. This is developing you for your future as a Hooper.

Basketball is like a roller coaster, man. Sometimes you’re gonna have UPS, sometimes you’re gonna have downs. But if you could just remain even kill, you’ll have a good chance of making it.