Title: Unveiling Cryptocurrency Manipulation and Market Fraud Tactics: A Must-Watch Guide for Traders and Beginners

If you are someone that is tragedy crypto currency or you want to start trading crypto currency or you want new to crypto currency. Oh, advice. You watch this video to the end. Okay, my advice for you is this. Watch this video to the end. This video is going to benefit you a lot. Please watch this video to the end.

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You see this image here? This is a job description. Okay, this will keep to currency job description. I got this screenshot from Op Walk. Op walk is a large platform where you get jobs. Okay, now this job description is they are looking for someone I will be creating fraud on cryptocurrency community. What is effort is an acronym for the World Fear of authenticity and doubts. I repeat, fear of authenticity and doubts. And the initial one that we have at least 10 to 20 different accounts, one person, we have at least 10 to 20. Difference accounts now thank to achieve this food yang saya simpul cuma bole di makes jack. This is how they manipulate the markets.

Now, you know, the cryptocurrency market is full of authenticity and the market is highly volatile. And this is the way they manipulate the markets and made the market volatile. Now, what they tend to gain with this is this. They want you to say that or keep to currency at the lowest rates that you bought it at. Okay, now what they will do is this for what they do with this, they would visit a particular cryptocurrency community or either Telegram or discord. When they visit the community, the community automatically is filled with investors of that particular cryptocurrency. Now these people that are doing this forward, they will start engaging on that community with negative comments. I would make you want to go and say, look into currency. Okay, negative comment that we make you, that we create fear now to make you want to go and dump that cryptocracy that you bought.

Okay, now, if it’s one account, you may not be convinced. Two accounts will never be convinced. But if the account is much, 10,20,30,40 different accounts are say one particular negative particular project or coin that you invest in that fear would be in you that make you want to go and dump the coin?

Because you have seen so many persons talking about negative, say negative things about this coin, which means that this coin may likely jump. Of course, that’s what they wanted to do. They wanted to drop your coin to you. Those comments you are seen are from multiple persons, but it’s just one person. Maybe the person is in the bathroom or in the toilets or maybe in his living room. Just navigating from one different account to the order. I’ll be dropping negative comment about that coin, that investing, because he wants to dump the coin.

Now, what did this person tend to gain from dump your coin? This is it. After you dump that coin, you’re gonna buy it at the lowest rates. Now, once you dump your coin, the next passes drop is coin also. And other passes keep dropping their coin. And the safe pressure is not more than the bank pressure the market to crash. Once the markets crashed, they would start paying those coins, okay? Those coins that you guys don’t, they will start buying it after they are both seats. Are you guys going to sell again? They will stop their food that the management of that coin, that is the founder of the coin, of the projects, will not try and revive the project again. And then we also start creating hype around the projects. The same people that created food, we start creating hype around the project for the coin press to pump again. So what the price pumps again or the price they both from you guys that you guys don’t, they will start selling needs.

So what kind of made money? Okay, this is how they creates food. So understand this as innovative industry or as the newcommind industry. Understand this, okay, do not work with emotion in the industry. You moves lend to discipline yourself. Do not work with emotion. Lend to discipline yourself. Okay, not every news you see you walk with. Not everything you hear you walk quiz.

Okay, cuz the market is full of fraud. Okay, this is what controls the market. Fraud. Okay, so the market is full of what fault. So make sure you think well first before you take any action.

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