Candid Conversations and Play-by-Play Analysis of a Competitive Game


good good good dot, good dot, good dot good dot a good dot. Let’s go. And good dot we go. Alan. Come on, Alan. Go Alan. Hey, slow, 6 foot 4 Alan.

Baby, he’s being a corner bliss outside.

Oh, God, you got me on the thick snap. I didn’t send a corner. But so user nowhere to be found. Where are we? Don’t push him in the end zone.

Hey, Maisie’s ass.

You could say you got bailed out early in the game. Sure. But watch. Something’s gonna happen for me in the fourth quarter. It always evens out in the end. You should open sent Breeze Hall freeze. Thank you. finally, dude, I gotta lose my.

Getting weird. He’s doing that I don’t know how to do. That’s what I kind of felt.

Oh, my God, I was there, bro. I gotta stay on that. I gotta stay on that. That’s.

What I kind of feel like. Oh, he’s doing then I don’t know how to do. I’m not a bully. Stream up while I’m playing.

Bro. I’m not doing that. Is that gonna make you feel better? I, if you think I do that, I don’t. I.

I don’t know. I’m not educated enough on the stream issue, bro. I just do this because I like it. Fashion. Then you feel like you was educated on my . I just do the cuz I don’t know, I gotta get more hip to the streaming .

Bro. There ain’t nothing to the stream and that happened at night. There’s gonna show.

I don’t know, a couple should kind of blindsided me. Sounds like what you’re.

Just saying. You thought you, you thought I was better than this and now you’re saying I’m cheating.

Which one is? Yeah, my ass cheating. Which one am I feel? Yeah, cuz I know I get by now. I don’t know which one you are. I don’t know which one you are. But it was just like that. I just for different.

Come on, Bree says what I’m talking about. That’s what we need. Brief.

Oh my God, bro. I don’t even care about this game, bro.

Sassy boy, go. Oh, Sasco.

I can’t. Where would that shadow, you know.

With what should just miss throws.

Oh, I can’t win with that. Right? But you remember, I mean, that’s mad. That’s mad. That, that’s mad. You know, that’s mad. You know, that’s patching my homes. Remember, I know everybody, Michelle, Ella, everybody, like, yeah, that’s . Yeah, everybody said that’s at the beginning of the. I’m not even good with Patronas. But at the end of the day. But he’s the best quarterback.

Right? No, I, eh, I agree. But I wanna bring you back to the beginning of the game. Your first drive, you said you got bailed out. I said I’m not mad at it cuz at the end of the game, you’re gonna get a bad throw or something. And that’s exactly what just happened, right?

By the end of day, you have more cheeser plays than me. I mean, I just run a straight playbook.

Right? What am I running? This cheese? I’m not even running like RPO’s. I’m just running power O. Like when I’m running. Oh, you have.

Run RPO. You ran RPO for your first touchdown. Don’t get that super shut the.

play. I ran on second goal.

Good game. You remember? Good game. You were RPO the whole.

There’s nothing I could do. There’s no way I could have won this game and there wouldn’t be something. Okay? I think everybody watched the game, understood I wasn’t seasoned at all.