Finding Support: A Journey to Comfortable Arch Support for Flat Feet

April 16th, I broke my angle. About a month ago, I was clear to bear weight, but it was recommended that I get insults from my low arches. Obviously, in my excitement to be walking again, I stopped at the nearest pharmacy, grabs them like half little arch support installs. They’re cutting it. I think it’s safe to say and easy to see, I need a little more support for this ankle and these terribly flat arches. So after some digging around on TikTok shop, I found the Pcs sole arch support in soles meant for flat feet, arch pain, hillsburgers. I was confident in my size choice because these lines are meant to be cut in case they’re too large for your sneakers. Therefore, you take the old online, you take the soles out of your sneakers, match them to the new arch support, installs, and as you can see, the size is perfect and does not need to be trimmed at all. Let’s go feed some horses.

I can confidently say these give me the support I was looking for working in the environment that I do.