Becoming a Well of Inspiration: Finding Strength in Hard Times and Helping Others

Blessings to a hard time right now. If you feel down and out and you just, you’re hurt and do a storm right now, hold on. You’re becoming a well for others to drink from. That means you are becoming a well for others to drink from. When people drink from you, they get inspired.

Now, let me show you something. You see this leaf? It rained other day. It has water in it. So that water is being held by that leaf. That leaf went through the storm. The water is being held by an organisms of other organisms and insects and everything can drink from that water. So you just become a well for others to drink from so you can help other people. Cuz a lot of people are about to give up and you’re gonna meet somebody in your life that’s gonna need help from the experience you’ve been through. I love you so much. Keep moving forward. Blessings.