Propagations: Cultivating Hope and Resources for Psych Wards

You wanna tell them or you want me to tell them why? You mean the first we started a nonprofit. So yeah, that sounds clean.

So we started.

Well, I don’t know who you are. What’s your name? Oh my.

God. My name is Bridget and president and I started nonprofit.

Bridget, some medical student. So.

One thing Preston and I have in common is we like things to look nice in our lives. And we both notice that the sideboard and kind of the general like million of where we treat our patients.

Yeah, cuz psychwards are ugly and they suck. So I wanna find a way to make them nice political answer and then candid answer. Yeah, I point is we have notice that psychboards are bereft of resources and we wanna support them. So if that means give them a mural, give them access to music that isn’t like a Walkman from the 1980s. This was kind of inspired by that Bowes incident a while ago. I shouldn’t be called an incident. Opportunity for learning, the Bose opportunity for learning. We saw that gathering all this information for y’all actually made a difference. And we got lots of different headphones and speakers out to psyche patience. And we realize we could do the same thing, but with every other type of company. So whatever we said, cat. Good point. Okay, so details. Have you read Avatar? No. Red Guitar. So it’s called propagations because Bridget and I were both plant people. And Bridget, why you tell them?

Oh, but like the the metaphor propagation is taking an injured plant or part of a plant, putting it in a new environment and then watching it grow into a healthy new plant.

What is the mind but an injured plant and our environment, a garden for us to grow in. So, well, I mean, a propagation’s on a garden, but it’s a place to start. And I think like the propagation vessels, how you stabilize the plant, and then at some point you can transplant it out into the rule. I didn’t even think of that, but that tracks pretty well actually. Cuz that looks kind of contained, but it’s stabilized from its crisis. Yeah, so we’re ironing out some stuff, but we have a 5,1, c 3 status. So we’re technically a charity and we have a Venmo. So if you wanna support us, gathering resources from other companies, consolidating them and then sending them out to cycourts. The process is starting now. So keep an eye out for the website, which will go live soon. Doctor Sign is helping us design a logo and he’s gonna make t shirts for us. And I think that’s it.