Savings Challenges Unleashed: Cash Stuffing and Tracker Tips for Financial Success

So I just receive my final paycheck for April. And in today’s video, we are gonna be cash stuffing that you’re watching. This is probably already may now, but this is my final paycheck for April. I thought I would just take a quick moment and show you all my brand new savings challenges that I have just listed on my site.

I’m super excited about these. They have been a labor of love. I absolutely love the floral prints on them. If you don’t know, I’m a florist, so it’s only appropriate that there’s flowers on here. I’m also mildly obsessed with these colors right now. I think my nail polish inspired me on this one.

Anyway, so first up, I’ve got my build your own savings challenge. I kept having people ask me to make savings challenges for teens or students, and I found it to be a little bit challenging because everybody has personal savings goals. So instead of making a book with like specific goals, I’ve made one where you can decide what you’re saving for as well as the amount that you need. So there’s six laminated trackers in here. So you would write what you’re saving for, figure out the total that you need, and divide it by 30. And then that gives you the total for each flower on the tracker. So they are laminated, they’re fully reusable, so you can adjust it. If you complete the challenge, you can do a new one.

But yeah, there are six challenges in here. So that one’s really fun. And this can be used by anybody. It’s not limited to teens or students. I just thought it was a really great option for teams and students. So yeah, there’s that.

And then I’ve got my new 1 thousand dollar savings challenge. So with this one, there are 20 sleeves in here. Each sleeve has four pockets where you can slide your money into. And the amounts range between five and 20 dollars. So for example, on this five dollar pocket, you’d be putting $5 in there. When all 80 pockets have been filled, you’ll have $1,000 saved. I thought this would be a fun challenge to create with like lower amounts just to make it a little bit easier to hit that angle. So this is the tracker here. And yeah, those are my two brand new savings challenges. And I’ve also introduced some savings challenge trackers on my site as well. So you’ve got this one. It’s a custom. You decide what you’re saving for. So we’ve got that one and then a 50 and hundred dollar savings challenge trackers.

Okay, so let’s dive into today’s cash stuffing. I’ve got my money here. I just went to the bank. I will just mention if you’re new here, I don’t cash off my bills. So all of my bills are paid online. I work out my budget with my app Budget Bestie every single payday. So that’s every Monday.

This is a new pay schedule for myself. I used to be paid biweekly with my day job, and I’m still paid biweekly with my day job, but I’ve decided to pay myself weekly. So yeah, it just, it’s a lot easier for me to manage. So this is my second time cash stuffing a weekly paycheck. Alright, so let’s count the cash here, make sure that I have the right amount and then we will dive into cash stuffing.

Okay, so 7:30 is the total. That is correct. I don’t know why I was caught off guard there for a second. We’re gonna start off by cash stuffing my variable expense envelope. So this is my wallet for my everyday purchases. You’ll see here that I still have money in my envelopes. And that’s because I chose just to take out my change from last pay period as well as a few dollars as well. But I’m just gonna like roll over these amounts and add to them because I’m still kind of figuring out what type of budget I need on a weekly basis. For example, like I don’t always do a big grocery shop every single week. So by carrying money, oh, over, it’ll cover me. And then, yeah, it’ll just cover me a little bit more.

Same with gas. I had $40 in there from last pay period. I haven’t gone to get gas yet, so I held on to that $40 and I’ll be adding more money to it today.

Okay, so for groceries, I’m gonna be adding $60 in here. I’m just gonna do a Bill exchange there. So we have $75 now for the week. This is just for myself and I’m not like a big cook. So I pretty basic meals unless of course like my parents invite me over for dinner, which they do quite often. I’m very fortunate. So $75 dining out.

I am going to be adding $30 to bring me to 50. Just swap out the bills there. My fun envelope has $10 in there. I’m just gonna be adding another five. And this is just money I can spend however I want. Household has 40 in there currently, but I am needing to buy some more, like laundry detergent and toilet paper things for the house. So I’m gonna be putting another $10 in there to bring me to 50. I think a lot of people get confused because they think that I’m spending my food grocery money on household items, but I do keep those separate. I may check out though at the till and just like pull the money together and then check out and then divvy it up after. Or I may even use my card and then take out the cash from the envelopes and set it aside to like balance next payday.

Guess I’m adding another 40 to bring me to 80. And then these are my envelopes that are used on the regular. And now we’re gonna move on to my sinking funds. So I’m not gonna be adding to all of my syncing funds today. Beauty will be getting $40. And that is because I have a hair appointment coming up, so I need to save up for it.

I’m adding to my gift envelope because I’ve been spending from it recently, lots of birthdays right now. So I’m adding 20 to bring me up to 75. I mean, 85. Oh my goodness.

And then I’m not adding to these. So I’ve got medical, Costco, my parents dog, Ford, and my bedroom overhaul, which I still need to change that envelope. I’m gonna change it to home decor and we’re gonna move on and cash stuff my emergency fund.

This is a higher priority for me right now. So I currently have $3,000 in my high interest savings account and I’m trying to say that $6,000, which is like roughly around like three months worth of expenses for me, probably a bit more to be honest. So I’ve got 200 and I’m adding another two. Very fortunate right now that I’ve managed to be able to get my expenses all really low. Yeah, there we go. But it also means a lot of cutbacks. So, and then I’m not adding to these. So I’ll add to this next pay period, which is my Christmas and my vacation.

Now let’s move on to my monthly savings challenge. I have one amount left to fill for the month of April. So as you can see, these envelopes have been filled and I have taken that money and I’ve deposited into my first home savings account. Makes more sense for me every two to three months to like take the money out of here and put it into somewhere where it can at least make a little bit of interest and growth. So here we go. I’m adding $100 today. So for the month of April, I was able to save 1,2,3,54,25,$430, which I think is pretty awesome with this savings challenge after full year of doing it, I’ll have $5,000 saved.

Alright, we’ve got two more savings challenges to go. I’m gonna do my 2024 savings challenge. So with this one, I fill one a week. And at the end of the year, I’m gonna have $2,024 saved and I will be using this probably towards a vacation in January. However, that could change. I don’t know. So let’s put $60 in.

And then the last savings challenge that I’m adding to today is my 100 envelope savings challenge. We’re gonna be filling three pockets here. Okay, let’s do envelope 76. So I am rounding up 60,70,80 dollars. I don’t know how I ended up with so many fives here. Okay. So I’m gonna shade this in right away. My last video, somebody caught on that I accidentally shaded in the wrong amount on here. So I’m gonna get in better practice here of filling an envelope and shading the corresponding amount right away.

Thank you to whomever that was last time. I’m so sorry I can’t remember your name right now. But yeah, it’s pretty common for me to mess up here. So we’ve got that one. And then I’m gonna do 67. That’s getting 70.

And then I’ve got $15 left. So let’s go fill pocket 12. So last time I did the savings challenge, it took me just a little over six months. I did start this mid January. So I’m three and a half months in and I will pop the amount up that I have saved in total so far. I don’t have it on hand because I’m filming with the phone that I manage my app budget SDN, but I’ll put the amount on the screen here so you can see my total save so far.

Because I am rounding up, I am gonna have, I think, a couple hundred dollars over the $5,000. So pretty exciting. And I hope to complete this faster than I did last time around.

So thank you so much everybody for watching today’s video. It means so much to me that you’re here. Please be sure to leave a comment down below. I would absolutely love to hear from you. Alright, thanks. Have a great day. Bye.