Deepening Appreciation in Relationships: The Power of Daily Small Gestures

How couples can deepen their appreciation for each other over time. It’s the daily, small things that you do on a regular basis. So it’s remembering that she likes a cup of tea in the blue cup. It’s remembering that he loves to have a cold beer when he comes in or, you know, whatever the thing is. It’s remembering that they like to have the dishes stacked a certain way. It’s remembering that, okay, they’ve put the washing in, maybe you remember to put it, transfer it over. It’s the small intimate things of when you see her sitting on the couch, you come over and you give her a cuddle. It’s not the big gestures, guys. It’s the small stuff on a daily basis that matters, that shows that you have paid attention, that you are considerate, that you are curious, even asking them how often? Ask my husband, I asked him yesterday actually, what are the things that I do that make you feel appreciated? So get curious and then aim to deliver those on a regular basis.