Title: How I Made Over $20,000 on TikTok Shop with Soursop Bitters: A Step-by-Step Guide

So check if this product right here made me over $20,000 on TikTok Shop. This made me over $20,000 on TikTok Shop. And it’s pretty simple. All I did was just recommend it. And I really use this too. It’s called soursop. It has amazing health benefits. All you have to do is make sure that you have all for 5,000 TikTok followers, you apply for something called the TikTok Shop Affiliate or Creator Program. And then you go to the TikTok shop sh button, and then you add the product to a video. And then you make shoppable content. Like this is a live example right now. Always start off with the problem first. Hey guys, if you wanna be healthy and you’re worried about how bad you’re eating and you’re into holistic medicine and you wanna fight the big sea, then get these right now.

This is called soursop bitters. Talk to any Caribbean person, they’ll tell you about this. My grandmother lived to about 103, taking this on almost every other day. I link it right here down below in the TikTok shop. Get yours now. And that’s it. 20 grand of a video like that. That’s insane, bro. Oh, if you wanna learn how to do this, comment down below. I got you.