Grilled Chicken Thai with Fried Rice: A Nutritious and Flavorful Meal Guide

So guys, from here, you click grill chicken Thai. So normally it’s grilled, it’s not , right? It’s Thai, trying to pick accurately with skin. And then I change a serving side. Didn’t just take one chicken tie, change it to one gram and then put hundred and fifty grams. This is more accurate. From there, I try to rough. We guess that’s like a cup of fried rice, right? So you just click like fried rice and then there’s like one cup over there, which is quite easy. Last but not least, if it’s like leafy green, it’s fine. You need to track, but always take into account the oils that they put in. So I click like olive oil with the tickets better and then like one tablespoon. So this is accurately enough to track like the Chi, the chicken tie or chicken chop here that you have. This is about 675 calories around there. So it’s more than you think.