Summer Adventures: From the Hamptons to Italy and Sleepaway Camp – A New York City Mom’s Journey

Summer in the life of a New York City mom. After school was over, we spent a weekend in the Hamptons at my dad’s house. While we were there, we checked on our house renovation, went to the farmer’s market and did some shopping in the town of Southampton, where you stumbled upon a copy of spotlight magazine, which, surprise, featured me as someone to follow on Instagram. So funny. I had no idea I was in it. After a few good meals, marble shopping for our kitchen countertop and lots of toasted marshmallows, our summer staple. We drove back to the city because the very next day we had a family vacation planned. We spent 12 days in Italy with my family, my sister’s family, my dad and my stepmom. Yep, it was a full family affair. I’m gonna skip right through this part because Rome, Tuscany and the Amalfi Co start each getting their own videos. What I want to tell you first, just to bring everyone up to current day, is that right after we got home from our trip, my kids left for Sleepway Camp. Carla left first from the Upper East Side. When we got to the bus stop, she immediately spotted some friends, said her goodbye. She always gives the best, most heartfelt hugs and then got on the bus with no reservations whatsoever.

Mazzie was not much different. She left the next day from Long Island. She’s been going to this camp for six years, has a great group of friends. And this year she’ll be a CIT. That’s a council training. What does that entail? From what I entail, it means they watch the dishes while we still pay the cost situation. She let me snap a few picks and then got that bus, but barely looked back. I think she’ll miss Frankie the most. Then we drove back to the city because we don’t have a Hampton house system. What will we do with ourselves now we’re in New York City? I think we’ll figure it out.