The Incredible Healing Power of Aloe Vera: A Must-Have Plant for Your Home

If you do not have an alavera plant, this is your sign to get one. This beauty is definitely my favorite of my house plants. I adore this beautiful aloe Vera. This plant is about 6 years old now, and it’s literally thriving. I cannot even tell you how many times we’ve gone to it for minor skin irritations, including burns or sunburn. What makes the alavera so incredibly healing is that it contains a gross stimulant, and you can actually see this for yourself by cutting the tip off of aloe Vera plant, and you will see within an hour it begin to heal itself. And so by using the gel inside of the aloe Vera plant, you can apply this to skin irritations like a sunburn or a heat burn, and the gross stimulant goes to work.

And this is where we have rapid and quick healing. I have actually applied alavera to severe sunburns, and within 24 hours, we see rapid healing in the skin. It also makes a wonderful rooting compound. If you are trying to root or grow new starters of plants. You can do it by simply dipping the roots into the aloe Vera gel, and it will stimulate the growth. I hope your home is filled with a beautiful aloe.