Exploring New Protein Powders: TikTok Shop Haul Review

So I got a package in the mail today from the TikTok shop. That’s become my addiction here lately. But you find such good deals, you just can’t help it. I’ve been on like a hunt for new proteins lately, like protein shakes and powders and stuff, because I have literally drank the same protein for over 4 years now and it’s just getting old. So I’ve kind of branched out to some powders and have bought the rice brand powders. I made a video before on the jet puff one of this one and the birthday cake one, and they’re both amazing. And so then I wanted to try some more flavors from Ross. And so I got cinnamon toast in the mail today. I’m really excited to try it. I love all things cinnamon, especially for like a coffee. I can’t wait to try that. And then I also got the Skippy peanut butter flavor cuz I love me anything peanut butter as well.

And I’ve read a lot of reviews and seen a lot of videos. People said this is one of their favorites. So I can’t wait to try it. And I just looked and they’re still on sale. I think they’re 30% off right now, which is a crazy good deal because some people are even getting like an extra 20% off with their TikTok shop. Keep on. So stock up because I’m gonna get off here and go order some more since they’re still on sale. The link should be below. You need to stock it because these are becoming my new favorite proteins.