Exploring New Candy Flavors: A Guppers Taste Test Adventure!

So we got in these new candies called guppers, which I’m really excited to try. If you remember the Planet Gummies, these are like Planet Gummies, but really different shapes and really different flavors too. So these ones are Boba tea, strawberry milk splash, sour grenades, a chocolate milk one, birthday cake, and a pickle one. I think I gotta try the pickle one. So it looks like the gummy is sweet pickle and the filling is like a sour pickle flavor.

Oh, good. There’s four of them.

They smelled sweet when we open the bag. Oh, my God. Sweet pickle. I don’t know if it smells like pickle. It smells sweet though. Alright, don’t have like a crazy amount of filling, but you can see just like.

Thầy cô.

Hiểu. It’s not like a crazy pickle flavor. Like it almost tastes green, aptly to me, because it’s so sweet. But the goo definitely tastes more pickle. You have to try it. Like you’re gonna describe it at an am. Okay. All right. You gotta try. It’s like a candy pickle flavor, kind of. Let’s.

See if you can open them the same way you open the planet gummies.

Don’t do that. That’s dangerous. Don’t do that, kids. It didn’t work. Well, kind of worked. Describe the pickle sensations.

So wrong. Hood.

Very like kind of marshmallow, right?

Very marshmallow. It is similar to the planet gummy and just have to go.

What do you think about the pickle flavor?

It’s very light. I was expecting something like Slappy in the face pickle.

But like these are more enjoyable than like if it was a slap you in the face pickle, right?

Yes, actually not bad. High praise. I know. But yeah, take it for me. Gupper’s Pep governs pop in pickles. Not half bad. Alright.

Let’s try one that’s supposed to taste good. Okay, I’m gonna open the Boba tea ones cuz our daughter wanted to try these ones. Oh, they’re different colors. How.

Cute they are. There’s a milk tea, Boba, matcha Boba, strawberry Boba and vanilla.

So I think my daughter’s gonna want these two. I will try the milk tea or the matcha. Which one.

Do the milk tea? I’ll try the matcha.

Things are really sticky from the pickle, so it’s making this difficult. Hold, please. I think I popped it. It’s leaking. It tastes really good, though. I think I packed it when I was opening it. So this one’s a little wet, but. Oh, there’s a lot more filling in this one.

Maybe they figured you wanted more filling in this and less in the pickle.

Bro. It does taste like sweet milk tea. Tyler, try the matcha one. Is that one less wet?

Yes. This one I was able to open without puncturing. So if you see, it looks like on the publicity cup.

So I just wrecked mine when I opened it. There’s a goo, a lot more goo in these, in the pickles.

Do you say green tea? Well, like matcha. Very marshmallow y, gummy, nice gooey center. It’s.

Like a fun update to the. Oh, a fun update to the. What I mean is a fun update to the whole like planet gummy thing.

I thought the pickle would be a lot more pickle. I was gearing up for something disgusting, but actually wasn’t half bad.