Building Bonds and Confidence: The Power of Family Adventure Trips

Some of the best trips I’ve ever seen families take with their kids are adventure trips. So with an adventure trip, the idea of this is something that is like really active, can be something like really hard, like scaling a mountain or taking like a long hiking trip or doing something that has a ton of adventure involved, whether it’s in the ocean or the lake or on the mountain. Families that do active things together are bind together for life. And it really just becomes part of the fabric of the family. I think every family’s core value should be one of them should be fun and adventure. It’s one of ours. And so when you’re doing active things with your kids, it’s how they’re actively learning, not passively learning. When you’re doing fun adventures with them, they’re actually learning how to get new skills and capabilities in the world, right? Like whether you’re learning scuba diving or learning skiing or learning to camp and hike and backpack and survive, like so many of these fun adventure trips. Scaling a big mountain that takes a week to do is such a powerful adventure that gives kids capabilities and confidence for the rest of their life.